

太平洋在线注册官网40周年院庆系列学术讲座暨“劳关天下”系列讲座第二十二讲、人力资源管理系2023年秋季学期半月谈学术论坛第118期(合办讲座)的通知 发布时间:2023.12.26



Grieving through the day: The impact of employees’ episodic grief at work on evening burnout and recovery





主讲人:Elizabeth E. Stillwell

嘉宾简介:Dr. Ellie Stillwell is an assistant professor of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management (ERHRM) in the Department of Management at the London School of Economics (LSE). Dr. Stillwell’s research is broadly focused on topics related to employee mental health and well-being, identity and inclusion, and organizational culture and change. She uses a combination of experimental, field, and qualitative methods to better understand the causes, consequences, and dynamics of suffering and well-being in organizations and work-life interface, specifically focusing on experiences of loss and grief, mistreatment, and stigmatization and the role of workplace context and social relationships in facilitating well- or ill-being. Her current on-going projects focus on interpersonal and organizational processes that foster sense of belonging and inclusion for marginalized and underrepresented employees, focusing on disability, gender in homogenous industries, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and neurodiversity; the role of discrete emotions, specifically grief, gratitude, pride, envy, and in work relationships and wellness; the impact of compassion, allyship, social support and prosocial behaviours in work relationships and fostering connection and belonging; and cross-cultural perspectives in management and well-being. Dr. Stillwell’s research has been published in Human Resource Management, and Journal of Applied Psychology. At LSE, she teaches courses in HRM and People Analytics for MSc and PhD students.




线下参会 中国人民大学 求是楼 343会议室

线上参会 腾讯会议 246-682-909

主持人:张皓 中国人民大学太平洋在线注册官网副教授

评议人:李春云 伦敦政治经济学院 助理教授

